Hydrogen in strong laser field

Ionization of atomic hydrogen by strong infrared laser fields (2009-2011).

Brant Abeln, Daniel Weflen, and Klaus Bartschat

This page summarizes the results of a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project. The project was undertaken in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Drake University. It was funded by the National Science Foundation under grant PHY-0757755. It also involved Alexei N. Grum-Grzhimailo (Moscow State University, Russia) and Timothy Urness from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Drake University.

The goal of this project was to first calculate and then visualize the effect of a strong short laser pulse on atomic hydrogen ion. Here is the PDF file of the invited talk given by Brant Abeln at the Special Undergraduate Session at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP) of the American Physical Society.

We also created several movies that illustrate the electron charge density for the field shown in Fig. 1 of our publication in The Physical Review A. Snapshots for few times are shown in Fig. 9 of that paper.

Two-dimensional representation (this problem has cylindrical symmetry with respect to the laser axis): 2D-movie

Three-dimensional representation (this will allow for further generalization to arbitrarily polarized light): 3D-movie